Search, view and comments on documents
Once logged in, you can access all the documents available to you by clicking 'Documents' next to your profile icon (top right of the screen)
You will be presented with a screen similar to this
By Default you will be presented with a list of all documents which you can scroll through or you can use the filtering tools.
The total number of documents available appears to the right of the search box. This will update as you apply the filtering tools.
Click on the document in the list to access it.
Filtering Tools
The following tools can be used separately or together to make a more complex search.
By Category
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Use the drop down available to select one or more categories, the results will update automatically. By Default all categories are selected. The total number of documents available appears to the right of the search box. |
Keyword Search
You can search for keywords to search for documents. It will search both the title of the document and the description of the document. It will not search for any keywords within the document itself.
To apply the keywords Press Enter
- The total number of documents available appears to the right of the search box.
- All results shown will have the keywords you have used shown in italics.
To clear the results and return to the full list, remove the keywords you have used and Press Enter
Top Tips
To get the best out of your searches, you can add multiple Keywords together separated by a space. It will search for instances where all the keywords appear within the title or description of the document.
Viewing Documents
Once you have selected the document you wish view you will be presented with the following screen
Key Features
Preview | This will open the document in new browser instance |
Download | Download a copy to your local device |
Comments | Add comments and read previously listed comments |
Notify me about new comments | By default you will receive notification about all documents, you can turn this off for each individual documents |
SurgeryDocs is a feature add-on to our Healthcare websites.