Creating & Managing a Video Media Item

To add a video to the site you will need to have it hosted on an external platform and conform to WCAG 2.1 (AA) Standards


To add a video to the site you will need to have it hosted on an external platform and conform to WCAG 2.1 (AA) Standards - Read Adding Videos

Creating the Video Media Item

First you need to copy the embed code from the hosted video platform. 

  • Youtube: Right click the video and select copy embed code

Using the information about Type/Name below to follow the instructions about Creating and Managing Media Items

Type Embeddable Script

Video: [Add a short name to help identify it]


Paste in the code that you have copied (See note below if your website is based on the Luna Theme - How to find the Website Theme)

Luna Theme

If your website is based on the Luna Theme then you will need to manually add some code to make this work. See example below:

<div class="aspect-w-16 aspect-h-9">
[Embed code from youtube here]

How to add the Video Media Item

Once created Media Items will appear within the WYSIWYG Editor, when you are managing your content, within the Media Dropdown in the tool bar.

Media Dropdown Media Drop Down
  • It will place the item on the page in relation to where your cursor is
  • It will appear in text form - i.e. %%media-34%%
    (the number is unique to the media item created, so each one will have a different number)

The Widget will be automatically inserted instead of the Media Item when you preview the page.