Creating & Managing Pages

Add, Remove and Update Pages

Accessing the Add/Rem & Edit Pages Module

From within the Control Panel

Navigate to Pages & Navigation > Add/Rem & Edit Pages

You will be presented with this screen
Manage Pages


If you see a different screen, it is likely you do not have Publishing Rights

Key Features

Search Can be used to find any word within a page
Page Name Link that opens the page for you to see what the page will look like


Alerts yes

Allows you to toggle the page on or off
Comments Page notes from Users who have made Publication Requests

Deletes the page permanently


If this has been replaced by a Padlock Symbol it means that there are outstanding Change Requests which need actioning against this page. 

Creating & Editing Pages

There are three elements to a page, which are accessed just below the 'Go Back' button

Content This tab is for the basic elements of manging a page
Meta This tab is for some more advanced page features. The most important elements auto populate when you create new content
Scripts This tab is for managing scripts (advanced users)


Editing a page

Luna Theme

If you are using our Luna Theme, the content of a page is now managed by Segments

All other elements of managing a page will remain the same


Key Features of Content Tab


Use this to quickly preview 'saved' changes.

If you have just created the page you will need to return to the previous screen before the preview will be available.

Page Name The title of the page
Searchable name

* This automatically populates when creating new content

What is the Searchable name?

You are advised not to alter this unless you are using it for the purposes as described


* This automatically populates when creating new content

What is the slug?

WYSIWYG Editor Here you manage the content of the Page


Key Features of Meta Tab

Title Tag

* This automatically populates when creating new content

What is the Title Tag?

Meta Description

* This automatically populates when creating new content

What is the Meta Description?

Show in Search?

How to Hide pages

Uses feedback Form

This relates to the PatientInsights Module

You can enable or disable the feedback form for this page

Hide from Search Engines? How to Hide pages
Slideshow Header What is the Slide Show

If your site designs uses additional page columns, you can select a two column layout and choose which column you want to appear with this page



Use this to quickly add a page to Footer or Navigation Bar



(Advanced Users)

Here is where you would manage scripts which apply to the page

Scripts Tab