Creating & Managing Polls

Add, Remove and Update Polls

Accessing the Polls Module

From within the Control Panel

Navigate to Column Content > Polls

You will be presented with this screen

Manage Polls

Key Features

Options This gives you access to manage the options for answers
Live Shows if the question is live
Question If you amend the question don't forget to click update
Votes Total number of votes received
From First date the question will appear
To Last date the question will appear

Creating & Editing Polls

Adding a new poll will create an additional line shown as a DRAFT QUESTION. From here you can amend the question, don't forget to click update!

From Options you will be taken to this screen

Poll Options

Key Features

Add New Option Enter the Option Text in the blank box, pick a colour then click Add New Option

Use this to re-order the Options - Click, Drag & Drop


If your list runs over more than one page, increase the number per page in the bottom right corner so they all show before changing the order

Option Wording for the option
Colour Colour Picker
Votes Total number of votes for that option
Percentage Total number of votes for that option as a percentage


If you have created a poll and enabled it but it is not showing on the front end column, this is because you have not enabled the Column itself.