Creating & Managing Alerts

Add, Remove and Update Alerts

Accessing the Alert Module

From within the Control Panel

Navigate to Home Page > Alerts

You will be presented with this screen

From here you can add, edit or remove new alerts.

Top Top!

Less is more, so add a link to a news article! - Keep the text within the alert short and to the point. If you have more information to provide, create a news article and add a link to the article for further reading.

This also means that if a visitor has closed the message, they will be able to still read it.

Key Features

Use this to re-order the alerts - Click, Drag & Drop


If your list runs over more than one page, increase the number per page in the bottom right corner so they all show before changing the order Toggle a live alert quickly on and off  - Active Yes or No



Green - Alert is Active

Amber - Alert is due to be Active in the future

Red - Alert has expired

Creating & Editing Alerts

When adding or editing Alerts you will be presented with this screen

Add new alert

Key Features

Date From This will be the first day you want the alert to show
Date To This will be the last day you want the alert to show
Title  This for internal purposes and not shown on the alert
WYSIWYG Editor Here you manage the content of the alert