Creating & Managing an Accordion

Add, Remove and Update Accordions


Accessing the Accordion Module

From within the Control Panel

Navigate to Files & Widgets > Accordions

You will be presented with this screen

    Accordion Luna

    Key Features

    Edit Manage the settings for the Accordion


    Alerts yes

    Allows you to toggle the Accordion on or off
    Panels Manage the content of the accordion

    Deletes the page permanently, if it is not in use

    Creating and editing Accordions

    Key Features


    Manage the display settings for the Accordion. If blank, then the default settings will be used and the Accordion will look as shown in the picture below.


    The grey background is defined within the segment that is has been added to within the page.

    For further information on templates please contact the Helpdesk


    Managing Panels

    Accordion Panels

    Key Features

    Move This allows you to pick up and move the rows to change the order
    Edit Manage the content of the Panel


    Alerts yes

    Allows you to toggle the Panel on or off
    Remove Deletes the Panel permanently 


    Creating and editing Panels 

    Accordion Panel Luna

    Key Features

    Panel Name This is the heading that appears on this Panel within the Accordion. It could also be the Question within an FAQ
    Excerpt This can be used to provide a small amount of preview text for the Panel, if required
    WYSIWYG Editor Here is where you would place the content of the Panel that will appear when the Panel is clicked. If could also be the Answers to the Question within an FAQ