Creating & Managing Banner Icons

Add, Remove and Update Banner Icons

Top Tip!

Use a Grid to build your homepage display which is more flexible

Accessing the Banner Icon Module

From within the Control Panel

Navigate to Home Page > Banner Icon

You will be presented with this screen

Managing Banner Icons


If you appear to have Banner Icons on the Home Page and this Module is empty. Then Grids have been used instead.

Key Features


Use this to re-order the Banner Icons - Click, Drag & Drop


If your list runs over more than one page, increase the number per page in the bottom right corner so they all show before changing the order


Alerts yes

Toggle an item quickly on and off  - Active Yes or No

Creating & Editing Banner Icons

When adding or editing Banner Icon you will be presented with this screen

Managing Banner Icons 1

Key Features

Select Image Any added image will be resized/cropped automatically
Select internal resource A dropdown list of all Active Pages to choose which one the box will open when clicked
type it in Paste/Type in an internal/external link which the box will open when clicked
  • Open in the same window - used for internal pages
  • Open in a new window - used for external pages
Heading The caption for the box
Excerpt A helpful description (Optional)