Creating & Managing a Carousel Widget

Add, Remove and Update a Carousel Widget

Creating the Carousel Media Item

Unlike other Media Items, you will need to know a little HTML for this process.

Using the information in the tables below to follow the instructions:

Name Carousel: [Add a short name to help identify it]


You now create 'carousel-items' in between the tags shown in the code above


This is an example of a 'carousel-item' and contains the html for that item

<h3>Heading 1</h3>
<p>First content</p>
<strong>Jon Doe</strong>


You can include more than one 'carousel-item' in the order you want them to appear. Ensuring they are in between the tags created in the first steps.


<h3>Heading 1</h3>
<p>First content</p>
<strong>Jon Doe</strong>

<h3>Heading 2</h3>
<p>Second content</p
<strong>Jon Doe</strong>

<h3>Heading 3</h3>
<p>Third content</p>
<strong>Jon Doe</strong>


How to add the Carousel Widget Item

Once created Media Items will appear within the WYSIWYG Editor within the Media Dropdown in the tool bar.

Media Dropdown Media Drop Down
  • It will place the item on the page in relation to where your cursor is
  • It will appear in text form - i.e. %%media-34%%
    (the number is unique to the media item created, so each one will have a different number)

The Widget will be automatically inserted instead of the Media Item when you preview the page.