Creating & Managing Column Items: Links

Add, Remove and Update Column Items: Links

Accessing the Manage Column Items Module

See: Creating & Managing Column Items: Overview

Creating & Editing Column Items: Links

Column Items Links

Key Features

Type Links is selected to show the appropriate options
Heading Forms the Item Name as well as an optional heading
Show Heading This will displayed at the top of the item when it is in a column
Label Display name for the link
Type Two choices
  • Internal Page
  • External Page
Option This changes based on the choices above
  • Internal Page: Dropdown list off all Live Pages
  • External Page: Enter/Paste in the address for the external page.
Open in a new window?

Select this if you want the link to open in a new browser window/tab.

No Follow? This is used when adding an External Link. Selecting this means that search engine rankings for the page are not transferred to the external site.