Creating & Managing Columns

Add, Remove and Update Columns

Accessing the Manage Column Module

From within the Control Panel

Navigate to Column Content > Manage Columns

You will be presented with this screen

Manage Columns

Key Features

Items   Displays the number of Gives access to edit the column items in the column


Alerts yes

Allows you to choose a column that is listed as Default when you are given a list of columns to use

Creating & Editing Columns

Manage columns edit

Key Features

Associated List of Column items included in the Column
Available List of available column items. Column items can be used in multiple Columns and only appear once in each Column
Alerts Burger Menu

This allows you to pick up and move the rows to change the order

Top Tip!

If your list runs over more than one page, increase the number per page in the bottom right corner so they all show before changing the order

Right Arrow Move item from Associated to Available
Left Arrow Move item from Available to Associated