Creating & Managing Grids

Add, Remove and update Grids

Accessing the Grids Module

From within the Control Panel

Navigate to Files & Widgets > Grids

You will be presented with this screen

Manage Grid 1Grid 2

Key Features

Edit Manage the setting for the Grid
Name Name of the grid - Also shows the page(s) where the grid as been applied

Manage the Boxes within a grid - Also displays the number of boxes

Remove You can only remove a Grid that is not applied to a page.

Creating & Editing Grids

When adding or editing Grids you will be presented with this screen

Edit Grid - Luna

Key Features

This allows you to define the styling of the Grid. For advanced users only. If no template is applied then the grid will use the default settings.

There are 4 main types

  • Linked Image
  • Linked Image, caption and excerpt
  • Image with caption and excerpt
  • Linked caption and excerpt

Choosing a Grid Type

Do you want no spaces between boxes? Yes or No
Do you want the boxes to react when a cursor hovers over them? Yes or No

There are 4 main image types

  • Landscape
  • Low Landscape
  • Portrait
  • Square

Choosing a Grid Type

Number of columns when viewed on a Smartphone.

  • 1 is the optimal choice

Number of columns when viewed on a medium sized tablet

  • 2 is the optimal choice

Number of columns when viewed on large tablet/desktop

  • Alter this number so that the Boxes are even

Number of columns when viewed on a desktop over 21 inch

  • Alter this number so that the Boxes are even or the same as the large screen option

Optional Features

(Advanced users)

Css class Add Css class globally to all box text
Box hover css class Add Css class globally to the hover

Template is only available on our Luna Theme

For advanced user only and provide additional styling options for grids.