Creating & Managing Custom Map Locations

So you have created a custom map to promote local services, such as; local pharmacies, hospitals, opticians, dentists etc.

Accessing the Map Locations

From within the Control Panel

Navigate to Maps > Maps

Click Locations for the map you wish to manage

You will be presented with this screenManage Locations

Creating or Managing Map Locations

When adding or editing Maps Locations you will be presented with this screen

Locations 1Locations 2

Key Features

Label (Single Letter) This will be the pin label on you map. i.e. if you are adding local Pharmacies, you could use the letter 'P'
Name Name for the location you are adding
Description Add the name, address, contact details and links to service using the WYSIWYG Editor
Pin Background Colour Colour of the Pin
Pin Label Colour Colour of the Label i.e. 'P' - Choose a contrasting colour to the background.
Latitude & Longitude

If you know the Latitude & Longitude, enter them here.

If not, You can use the Enter your Location to search using a postcode. This will add the Latitude & Longitude.

If you need some fine adjustment you can also move the pin on the map.

Example of a Location

  • Pin Background - Blue
  • Pin Label - White
  • Label - B (for Boots Pharmacy in this example)
  • The pop-up text comes from the Description using the WYSIWYG Tools.
Map Pin Popup