Creating & Managing News Articles

Add, Remove and Update News Articles

Accessing the News Articles Module

From within the Control Panel

Navigate to Column Content > News Articles

You will be presented with this screen

News Article

From here you can add, edit or remove News Articles.

Please Note:

Dates from and to only apply to breaking news only

Key Features



Green - Alert is Active

Amber - Alert is due to be Active in the future

Red - Alert has expired


The title of the article is clickable to that you can see how it looks

BreakingAlerts yes Toggle a News Article to appear or not appear on the Home Page as breaking news
Alerts yes
Toggle a News Article to appear or not appear on the Latest News Page

Creating & Editing News Articles

When adding or editing News Articles you will be presented with this screen

News Article Bottom

Key Features

Date From

This will be the first day you want it to appear either as Breaking News, Feed or both. This is managed on the previous screen

Read about Dates

Date To

This will be the last day you want it to appear and how you wish it to behave in conjunction with Breaking News, Feed or both. These are managed from the previous screen

Read about Dates

Breaking New Feed 'Date to' controls:
Yes Yes

The last day it appear as Breaking News. It remains as in the news feed after this date until manually removed.

Yes  No The last day it appear as Breaking News. It does not appear in the news feed.
No  Yes The 'Date to' has not affected and will remain in the news feed after this date until manually removed.


Remove on expiry?

This will remove the article completely based on the 'Date To'


A compelling title for your article that will grab attention but keep it short.

  • Be mindful that if you use title that has used before, the system will not be able to save this as there cannot be two 'slugs' the same on the website. See 'Slug' below

Images make news articles all the more interesting, and are also considered as search engine ranking factors.

Best size to use is 600 x 400


Introductory description so that readers know what the article is about.

This also appears as part of the Breaking News on the home page and as a snippet within the news feed.

WYSIWYFG Editor Here you manage the content of the News Article
Title Tag What is a Title Tag  This self populates based on the Title
Meta Description What is a Meta Description This self populates based on the Title

What is a Slug This self populated based on the Title. You cannot have two slugs the same on a site, so if you get an error saving try altering the slug manually.

Layout If your site designs uses additional page columns, you can select a two column layout and choose which column you want to appear with this News Article

Common errors

Should you get an error saving a news article here are a few common issues

Unable to save a News Article