Creating & Managing SurgeryDocs Documents

Upload & remove documents, alter which categories or groups for documents and manage notifications

Accessing the SurgeryDocs Document Manager Module

From within the Control Panel

Navigate to SurgeryDocs > Document Manager

You will be presented with this screen

SurgeryDocs Document Manager

You are unable to edit the document from within this Module. All amendments to the actual document need to be carried in which ever programmes was used to create the document.

Key Features

Edit Make amendments to the Document properties
Document Name Displays the friendly name of the document and the Categories this document is applied.

Read comments left by users and leave your own comments.

If you leave any comments then it will send a notification to all Users unless they have chosen to un-subscribe. This is done on a document level basis.

Remove Removes the document.

Creating & Managing SurgeryDocs Documents

When adding a new document you will be asked to upload the document first before you are taken to the following screen

SurgertDocs Document Add1SurgeryDocs Document Add2

Key Features

Document Name

The friendly name of the document. This can be different from the file name which helps users and version controls without having complex naming conventions

Use words that are helpful in searching for this document


More information to ensure that the user knows this is the document they want to view.

Use words that are helpful in searching for this document.

The search facility in the Front End Portal does not search for words within the document itself.

Categories Select all Categories that apply to this document
Groups Select all Groups that apply to this document

Managing Notifications

From within the Notification Recipients tab at the top of the page you can manage who will receive notifications about this document and how they are sent.

By default there are no notifications configured.

Notifications are sent for Document Renewal Date AND Comments

SurgeryDocs Notifications

All recipients must have access to the SurgeryDocs Module to appear in the dropdown

  • Select the owner
  • Choose the notification type - Email or SMS (SMS requires an additional Module)
  • Click add recipient

Once added you will have an option to remove the recipient

SurgeryDocs is a feature add-on to our Healthcare websites.