Creating & Managing SurgeryDocs Users

Add, Amend or Remove Users

Accessing the SurgeryDocs Users Module

From within the Control Panel

Navigate to SurgeryDocs > Users

You will be presented with this screenSurgeryDocs Users Blur

Key Features

Edit Amend the user
Name  Shows the name of the user & what Groups they are assigned.
Remove Remove User

Creating & Managing SurgeryDocs User Accounts

SurgeryDocs User Amend

Key Features

Email Address This does not have to be an email
UK Mobile Additional Module required
Default notification Channel

There are two options

  • Email Notification
  • SMS Message (if the Module is active)
Groups Select which group(s) of documents this user need to access. If no groups are selected, the user will, by default, have access to all groups.

SurgeryDocs is a feature add-on to our Healthcare websites.