Default User Access Levels

Who they are for any why you need to be careful when using them

Special Category Data under GDPR 

As the site is designed to process Special Category Data (health data) under GDPR you need to be careful when allocating default users and you may be better creating custom Access Levels to mitigate any risk to the data.

Default Access Levels


Purpose Modules accessible
  • Handling incoming SmartForm Submissions

  • Patient Inbox 

Data and Access Manager

Purpose Modules accessible
  • Access to manage patient interactions
  • Can allocate the following user levels

    • PatientInbox
    • Custom User Access Levels

  • Authority to grant user access as the Data Controller for GDPR Purposes


  • FFT Setup

  • FFT Answers

  • Create & Configure SmartForms

  • PatientInbox

  • SmartForm Statistics

  • Add / Remove Staff Accounts

  • Audit Trail

  • Notification Recipients

  • Mailing List Subscriptions

  • PatientInsights (If subscribed to)


All users that require this level of access need to attend our training course on How to edit and amend your website.

Purpose Modules accessible
  • Content Management
  • Authority to grant user access as the Data Controller for GDPR Purposes
  • Can allocate the following user levels

    • Administrator
    • Data Access Manager

    • PatientInbox
    • Custom User Access Levels

All Data Access Manager Modules PLUS
  • Add / Rem & Edit Pages
  • Manage Navigation
  • Publication Requests
  • Our Staff / Team
  • GP Availability
  • NHS Choices Review
  • Edit Homepage
  • Alerts
  • Banner Icons
  • Who do I see
  • News Articles
  • Upcoming Events
  • Polls
  • Manage Columns
  • Manage Column Items
  • Boundary Map
  • Boundary Map Messages
  • Maps
  • Slideshow
  • Photo Gallery
  • Media
  • Grids
  • File Manager
  • GCM - if applied
  • SurgeryDocs (If activated)
  • Practice Information
  • Backup & Restore