Using the Boundary Map Drawing Tools

In this article we'll explain how to access your Boundary Map tool and draw a new boundary area.

How to access the Boundary Map Module

Boundary Map 1

Locate the Practice

Type in your POST CODE within the post code field and click SEARCH
This will search for your address and will place a pin in the location of your practice. If the pin is in the wrong location you can move it my dragging and dropping it to your chosen location.

Boundary Pins

Add a pin Click the location where you wish the pin to appear
Move a Pin Click, hold, Drag & Drop
Delete a Pin Click the pin you want to remove

Draw Outline

You can force the outline to update using the DRAW OUTLINE option or by moving one of the pins.

Top Tips

  • Do not leave your browser inactive for more than 3 minutes otherwise you will loose any changes when it times out.
  • Pins are connected in the boundary in order. This means, when adjusting an existing  Boundary Map you may been add a pin & then update by clicking "draw outline" to find out which was the last pin added. From there you can then workout which pins need moving/adding.

Save Boundaries

Don't forget to periodically save changes.

Map tools

Zoom in-out Zoom in-out