Forgotten Password

How to reset your password

Oops... we have all done it. Here is how to reset your password.

You cannot request a password reset if you have not used your temporary password. Please speak to a member of your team who provided you with this for a reset

  • Click Forgot your password?
    You will see the following screen.
  • Enter your email address and click Request token.
    • Assuming you've entered the correct email address registered to your account, you will receive an email with a temporary token.
    • You also may need to check your junk/spam
    • If you have not received a token, it is likely that the email address you have used cannot be matched to a registered account.
    You will now see the following screen.

If any part of this is complete it means you are probably using a Password Manager/Browser Auto Complete which is filling in the fields. You will need to remove any information and ensure that an internal risk assessment has been carried out for using such a facility and that there has been no breach in Data Security.

  • Enter the token into the Token field and enter your new Password and Update Password. If entered correctly, you will be directed to a confirmation screen as seen below.
  • Click the link log in. You can now enter your email address followed by your new password to access the Control Panel.


Because of the risks to Patient Identifiable Data, Tree View Designs are unable to action new user/password requests/unsuspending of accounts unless the request comes from a different user who is already a Control Panel Admin or Data & Access privileges (probably a line manager)

Still having trouble?

If you have failed to reset your password, ask a team member of your team with Admin or Data & Access Privileges to contact us.