1. Knowledge Base
  2. Add On: Group Central Management (GCM)

GCM: Types of content

There are several types of content that you will receive via GCM

There are several types of content that you will receive via GCM:

  • Alerts
  • Events
  • Grids
  • Maps
  • News 
  • Pages

There are also two methods by which this content will be sent to you:

  • Hard Push (Action not required)

This is only available with Alerts, Events and News content and does not require any action from the receiving surgery. The content will automatically be added to your website. This will also be used for content which has already been dispatched and published and linked on your practices website. Therefore any changes that are made to the content of a page, or anything sent over will automatically appear on your surgery's site without any intervention on your part. 

  • Soft Push (Action required)

This is available with all types of content. It does require further action from the surgery to add it to their site.

GCM is a feature add-on to our Healthcare websites.