How to setup and configure your Google Map API Service
How it works
Google API’s services are used to deliver boundary map and local information services on your website. This is also known as Dynamic Maps. Read more about the Maps Module
What does API stand for?
Application Programming Interface
Google will give you FREE credit each month for the requests made by patients accessing your Dynamic Maps. The threshold is high and you should never be charged to use their service. Even though the credit is free you will still need to provide billing information by means of a Credit or Debit Card.
(As of March 2023 the $200 Free monthly credit means that the Dynamic Map can be used up to 28,500 times per month before you get charged)
By creating your own API's means that you can take advantage of the FREE credits. If we were to add you to our account the credits will not cover all our client usage and you would be charged.
Google pricing can viewed here
Getting started
You will need to have a Google Account for the surgery in order to register for this service so if you do not have one, please navigate to and sign up before you proceed. This needs to be a free business account and not a personal or individual one.
You must monitor the google emails received in the future for any account updates as well as reminders to update the payment card otherwise the Map facility will stop working.
Keep the log in details to the account safe as you will need them.
- You will need to sign in with your google account at to get started and to create a Project & configure billing. Follow the instructions in the video.
- Enable the following from the library. These are the details which gives the map it functionality. Follow the instructions in the video.
- Maps Javascript API
- Geocoding API
- Places API
- Directions API
- The next step will be to generate the two API keys that are needed to make it all work. Follow the instructions in the video.
As part of that process you will need to enter details about your website which is called the Referrer. Basically this tells google which websites are allowed to use your Google API account.
How to create your Referrer
The example below shows how to turn your website address into the referrer requiredExample website address Referrer ** If you need this to work for a site in development please reach out to us for the referrer you need to add.
- Submit the keys you have created using the form below, along with a copy of your boundary map if you have not already done so. We will then do the rest.