How to write good support requests

Writing good support requests is not only good for us, it is also better for you!

Never send support requests to staff members directly

Always send them via the correct email, our team will pick them up there. Our helpdesk system is configured to ensure they get tracked and will have higher visibility.

Some staff members work on the helpdesk part time. Sending the request to the correct email makes sure that somebody will pick it up.

Give descriptive subject

Your subject line should be descriptive. “Problem with Website” is not a good subject line since it could be valid for basically every support request we get. The subjects are the first thing that we see. We operate a triage system to enable us to classify the importance according to subjects before even opening the email.

Don't CC everyone

Getting everyone's input is very helpful when making decisions or when you need to inform everyone about something. A support request can become never ending conversation, should any of the CC'd members decide to join in and 'Reply to All'.

More importantly, as we an external organisation to your surgery, you may also be in violation of GDPR!

New request – new email

Do not send support requests by replying to unrelated requests or requests which have been completed.  Replying this way means that your email gets automatically filed under the wrong thread and risks being overlooked.

A Complete and Honest Picture

Many people won’t tell the whole story when they ask for help. This only makes a resolution harder to come by. 

At the end of the day, it’s the helpdesk job to be the experts; they know the technology you use inside and out. 

Tell us what is causing the issues, rather than the answer, and let us come up with a solution or advice.