I don't have Publishing Rights

Editing a page as a Non-Publisher

If you don't have publishing rights within the Control Panel, it has been configured so that another staff member needs to authorise the changes that you make to pages on the website

You may also find that you do not see all modules within the Control Panel as additional restrictions will be in place.

Accessing the Add/Rem & Edit Pages Module

From within the Control Panel

Navigate to Pages & Navigation > Add/Rem & Edit Page

You will be presented with this screen
Pages without Publishing RightsThis is a list of outstanding Publication Request which have yet to be accepted and published.

Key Features

Select a Page Select a Published Page for Editing
Manage Manage this publication request

Publication requests types

  • Update
  • New Page
Remove Removes the publication request, not the published page.

Creating & Editing Pages

When editing a page you will be asked to add a comment, which tells the Authoriser a little more detail of what and why you have made the changes. They can then communicate back using the same system, for which you will receive a notification by email or text. This depends on your personal settings within the Control Panel.

To avoid duplication of instructions, you can Follow the instructions for Creating & Editing Pages.