Images - Sizes

There are always a lot of images on a site and they vary in size depending on where you use them. 

Top Tip!

Each module will provide an automated resize/crop facility to assist, and remember this will not change the file size.

What to avoid

  • Images that are busy and crowded
  • Images that contain text, more than just a simple single message, as it will not pass accessibility standards nor will the words be used as part of search results. WCAG: Images/Posters with Complex Text


  Pre-Luna Theme File Type Lune Theme File Type
News Images 600 x 400 pixels .jpeg or .jpg



1200 x 800 .webp



Staff Images 600 x 600 pixels 1200 x 1200
Slideshow Images

1600 x 400 pixels

These images re-size depending on the device and the text positioned over them.

1600 x 400

Grid Images

Landscape: 600 x 400 pixels

Low Landscape: 600 x 300 pixels

Square: 600 x 600 pixels

Portrait: 600 x 900 pixels

Landscape: 1200 x 800 pixels

Low Landscape: 1200 x 600 pixels

Square: 1200 x 1200 pixels

Portrait: 1200 x 1800 pixels

File Sizes

You need to keep the site lean and keen, so it uploads quickly when used on a mobile with average/minimal reception.

Large images files are the biggest culprit for slowing down the loading of a page.

Keep images between 60 - 100KB