Creating & Managing the Navigation Bar & Footer items

Add, Remove and Update the Navigation Bar & Footer items

Accessing the Manage Navigation Module

From within the Control Panel

Navigate to Pages & Navigation > Manage Navigation

You will be presented with this screen

Manage Navigation

Key Features


This allows you to pick up and move the rows to change the order of the menus


If your list runs over more than one page, increase the number per page in the bottom right corner so they all show before changing the order

Dropdown Menua Drop down menu available
Update Updates any changes that you have made to a row
Delete This deletes the row
Sub-navigation Gives access to the sub-navigation. Which contains a list of links
Sub-navigation html-1 Gives access to the sub-navigation. Which is a created in html using the WYISWYG Editor.

Toggle between Main Navigation Bar and Footer

To the right of the Orange 'Add Link' there is a drop down which gives you access to choose if you want to manage the Main (Main Navigation Bar) or Footer

Creating and Editing Items

Adding to the Navigation Menu

Label Title of the link - usually in Uppercase
Internal resource

This dropdown gives you access to the types of navigation available for the Main Navigation or Footer

  • Internal resource - a page within the website
  • External resource - a page on another website
  • Htmlsubnavigation - a specific dropdown page created with a WYSIWYG Editor
  • Links sub-navigation - a dropdown containing other links
Select internal resource

This drop down changes depending on the choices above

  • Internal resource will give you a list to all pages on the website
  • External resource you can paste in the URL to the external page
  • No choice at all
Open in the same window

This drop down changes depending on the choices above, and the options you choose depending of how you want the link to react.

  • Opens in the same window
  • Opens in new window