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  2. Friends and Family Test

Managing the Friends & Family Test: Answers

The Friends and Family Test Answers page displays all the answers and feedback your patients have submitted about your practice via your website.

 It also provides other options:

  • Export to excel in Summary, Detailed or CQRS Submission format
  • Specify a date range to view or export results monthly
  • Manually add your Friends and Family Test results from text messages, paper forms or previous website submissions to this section

Accessing the Friends and Family Test Answers Module

From within the Control Panel

Navigate to FFT > Answers

You will be presented with this screen

Key Features

Summary .csv download all or filtered results as a summary of the scoring 
Detailed .csv download all or filtered results as a detailed listing of each answer
Submission .csv download all or filtered results to use as you CQRS submission
Clear Comments Clears the selected comments/answers
Add bulk Add answers in bulk
Add new answer Add an answer
Search & Filter You can search keywords and filter results by date
Select Select answers to be cleared
Type There are three types
  • Website
  • Paper
  • Other


Yes, No or ---

This manages the permissions to display the comments of this entry on the site or not, if a patient has given you permissions to display.

The default option is always 'No' so you can then chose to change this but clicking on 'No' to change this to Yes' or you can change it from 'Yes' to 'No'

When the patient has not given you permission to display their entry, then these options will not be available and it will display "---"