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  2. Add On: PatientInsights

Managing PatientInsights: Feedback & Comments

See what patients have said about the website

How will I know there is feedback

If feedback has been received and needs to be reviewed you will see a badge against the Insights Tab

Accessing PatientInsights: Feedback Comments

From within the Control Panel

Navigate to Insights > Feedback

At the bottom on this page you will see links for the pages that have had feedback submissions against.

To view these, click on the page name/description

You will be then presented with this screen

You can use the filter in the top right corner to 

  • Comments to action
  • All comments

To help you manage these we have provided you with some Comment tool

Accessing the Comment tools

Click Edit against the Comment you wish to manage and you will get access to the following tools.

Key Features

Your notes Leave notes for the future so that you know if you have or haven't taken any action based on the comments.
Remove Remove this comment.
Mark as Complete If you want to keep the comment for future referencing, then you can mark it as complete so it does not show as a new entry.

PatientInsights is a feature add-on to our Healthcare websites.