Managing Publication Requests

So you have received an email or perhaps noticed that when you log in there is a numerical badge showing next to Pages & Navigation

So you have received an email or perhaps noticed that when you log in there is a numerical badge showing next to Pages & Navigation

Pages&Nav (1)

Accessing Publication Requests

From within the Control Panel

Navigate to Pages & Navigation > Publication Requests

You will be presented with this screen

Publication request

From this screen you can view the requests that have been made.

Key Features

Resource Name  Name of the page

There are two main types

  • Update
  • New Page

Managing Publication Requests

Whilst viewing the request you will have access to every setting for that page.

Publication UpdatePublication Update 2

Image Shown

The image above represents a snippet of the screen. The full set of page fields is accessible to manage.

Key Features

Comments Review the historical conversation regarding this Publication Request and add comments which will be fed back to originator of the request.
Reject You will be asked to enter a reason, this will be sent to originator of the request. It will also remove the request and the edits. 
Approve Does what is says. The existing page will be replace with the new one.
Update If you spot a simple error, and feel a Reject is too cruel. You can make the change and then update the page before you approve it.
If you need the Key Features from the Page Elements, you can review those in our article about Creating and Managing Pages.