Unable to save a News Article

Error message when trying to save a News Article

If you are experiencing problems saving a news article, there are some common issues that you can check.

The auto-generated slug has been used before.

Slugs have to be unique so it is possible that common news titles will create a problem.

You can

  • Use the search facility in the News Article Module to find and remove the old one.
  • Change the title
  • Manually alter the slug

You have accidentally copied hidden code into the news Article.

If you are copying the information from another source you can accidently copy hidden code which the website does not understand.

You can

  • Manually type in the text
  • Use "Paste as Plain Text" or "Paste from Word" options within the WYSIWYG Editor Tool Bar
  • Or paste the text into a Notepad/Text File and then copy the text from this to the Article