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Using PatientInsights: Feedback

See what patients are saying about your site

Accessing PatientInsights: Feedback

From within the Control Panel

Navigate to Insights > Feedback

You will be presented with this screen

Key Features

Toggle feedback on/off
By default feedback appears on every page of your site. You can deactivate this on a page by page basis if required. Disabled pages will appear within the 'Page with feedback form disabled' section at the bottom of the screen

Select Report Date Range Use this to Select a To and From date to make comparisons between periods of time
Category Filter Filter by feedback category
  • Positive Feedback
  • Spelling / Grammar
  • Content Suggestions
  • Outdated content
  • Page error
  • Broken link

Filter by IP Address or Ban an IP Address.

This helps you should you believe a Patient is overusing or using the feedback form inappropriately.

Apply the chosen reports and/or Date Range
Hover over this icon for more information and tips.

Top Tip!

Gain more insights from within the Graph

  • Toggle Star Ratings by clicking them within the Graphs Key
  • Hover over any data points for more details.

PatientInsights is a feature add-on to our Healthcare websites.