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  2. Add On: PatientInsights

Using PatientInsights: Search

See information on what search terms patients are using on your website

Accessing PatientInsights: Search

From within the Control Panel

Navigate to Insights > Search

You will be presented with this screen

Key Features

Toggle additional statistics on/off
  • Top search queries with results
  • Top seach queries without results
  • Top search queries with click-through
  • Top seach results
Select Report Date Range Use this to Select a To and From date to make comparisons between periods of time
Apply the chosen reports and/or Date Range
Hover over this icon for more information and tips.

Top Tip!

Gain more insights from within the Graph

  • Toggle Results Found and Results Not Found by clicking them within the Graphs Key
  • Hover over any data points for more details.

PatientInsights is a feature add-on to our Healthcare websites.