Using the File Manager

Managing Images

Accessing the File Manager Module

Navigate to Files & Widgets > File Manager

You will be presented with the following screen or similar

Since 2018 you may be breaking the Equalities Act if you use Documents or Images with complex text.

Key Features

Available Directory Types - select which one to use.

  • Images
  • Documents (You may be breaking the law by using Documents on your website see information above)
Navigate back to the Home of the Directory

Link to access Directory

Delete Directory

Delete File

Deleting or re-filing any image that is in use will mean that it will no longer appear on the site.

If you need to re-file images, you will have to re-apply the images on the page(s) they appear.

File information & Preview

Top Tip

If you need to have a local copy of the image

  • Preview the image via the (ℹ️) option
  • Right click and choose 'Save Image'