What are Alerts?

Have details of an Emergency that you need patients to see.

In an Emergency, alerts are a handy way to give any visitor to your site a snippet of important information which they have to read before they can continue to your home page.

They can be configured to only be visible based on a date range, and they force the user to close the message before they are allowed to see your home page.


The reasons for not using an alert

  • Alerts can only be seen once per visit the website, which means the patient won't see it if they re-visit the home page unless they have closed all tab instances of the website and start again.
  • News articles are indexed by search engines including the one on the website. Alerts do not and therefore will not be seen in searches.
  • Should you require additional alerts during an extended period of use, these additional alerts can be missed when viewed on a mobile as they work differently.
  • Patients will get frustrated with persistent alerts and start closing them without reading them, this can be an issue if the message has changed or is different.

Top Tip!

Alerts need to be short and concise and for emergencies purposes only.

Alerts vs News Articles