What are News Articles

Adding regular news items is one of the best ways to refresh your content, keep your patients informed and to ensure search engines regularly index your website.

Adding news about new staff members, staff departing or retiring, new clinics, involvement in charity or community events, community news and seasonal bulletins are just a few ideas to get you started.

Top Tip!

Don't make significant updates to old articles. Create a new one and if needed remove the old one.

Revisions to an article will not change the the original published date which is used to inform the patient and search engines how relevent the information is. 

Creating a new one will refresh the date and increase visibility.

Key Features

  • Articles can appear as Breaking News on your home page based on selected dates -including future dates
  • Articles can available on your Latest News page as an historical record until manually removed or completely removed 
  • They are searchable and will be indexed by search engines to improve visibility