What is a Meta Description

The Meta description provides a brief summary of a web page. Some search engines display these underneath the Title Tag and can help influence if someone click on the link.

The Meta description provides a brief summary of a web page. Some search engines display these underneath the Title Tag and can help influence if someone click on the link.

In this example the Meta Description is 'Smart Forms' which is then followed by the text from the content itself. 

Google Search Results

When creating content for the first time, our system will auto populate the Meta Description with the title you have provided when you click save.

If you are editing previously saved content, you may need to revisit the Meta Description.

The Meta Description is meant to be an accurate and concise description of content and is not tied to search engine rankings.

As shown in the example above, search engines will use the text within the content as the Meta description as well. All you really need to worry about is ensuring you have used the key words needed in your content.

Heads up: Search engines won't always use your meta description

In some cases, search engines may overrule the meta description. Precisely when this will happen is unpredictable, but it often occurs when Google doesn't think the existing meta description adequately answers a user's query and identifies a snippet from the target page that better matches a searcher's query.