What is Algolia Search

A fast and powerful search facility

This service is much more than a simple Keyword search.

How it  helps your patients

Patients will see the search bar as a conversation with your practice services. They don't want to have to think about how they should phrase what they're looking for. That's where Algolia comes in.

Instant search results, auto-complete search that helps find answers faster and dropdown menus that know your patients better then they do.

Algolia's lightning fast as-you-type experience handles synonyms and it's typo-tolerant. That means users won't even notice they spelled 'Oepning Tmies' wrong and still find them. Isn't that the point and how it should be? Patient's shouldn't be held back, that's why Algolia is a search facility made right.

How it helps you

You will have access to your own Algolia portal to manage your search success.

More importantly it helps you discover what key words are being used and what keys words are not found!