1. Knowledge Base
  2. Add On: Group Central Management (GCM)

What is GCM

Group Central Management (GCM) allows multiple connected practice websites to share common content within their PCN / Federation.

If you've added new content to your website and would like to share it amongst all your other sites, this is now possible by a designated GCM admin. 

GCM Admins can simply login to the control panel and deploy the new content across all or selected surgeries instantaneously.

Double exposure of business man hand working on blank screen laptop computer on wooden desk as concept with social media diagram

Content Deployment

Deploy content such as news, alerts, events, pages, policies, maps and grids across multiple websites instantly from one location.

Soft Push

Allows practices to dispatch content to multiple websites and allows dedicated users from within that practice to review the content before publishing on their website.

Hard Push

Allows practices to dispatch content to multiple websites so it appears instantly without user intervention. Imagine you have an important alert you need displayed on all sites within your PCN. Simply ' Hard Push' that alert to your group and it will appear on all sites instantaneously.

Deployment Notifications

Nominated users at each practice receive a GCM email notification to inform them of the new content that's either available for them to publish or which has already been published by the GCM Admin to their website.

Edit Restriction

Any deployed content cannot be edited by individual surgeries, only the surgery who dispatched it.

GCM is a feature add-on to our Healthcare websites.