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What is PatientInsights

In-Depth Analytics for an Enhanced Patient Experience

Our state-of-the-art module designed to revolutionise patient experience. By leveraging the capabilities of Google Analytics API, PatientInsights delivers a wealth of data and critical insights into patient interactions with your practice website.

Our solution empowers healthcare providers to make informed, data-driven decisions, fostering a smooth and patient-focused digital journey.

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  • Advanced Search Analytics
    Obtain valuable knowledge of search trends, popular searches, and pinpoint areas needing more information. Determine which content is readily accessible and which needs optimisation for improved patient navigation.
  • Comprehensive Link Performance Analysis
    Evaluate the effectiveness of your website's internal and external links, enabling you to optimise content and referral sources. Effortlessly locate specific links, such as eConsult or Accurx, and review aggregated usage data.
  • Enhanced Search Analysis with Algolia Integration
    Harness Algolia's advanced search capabilities for a thorough understanding of patient search behaviour on your website. Gain precise insights into exact search queries, discovered healthcare information, and content gaps requiring attention. Equipped with top search queries and extensive search analytics, practices can finetune website content to address patient needs and deliver a more efficient, user-friendly experience. 
  • NHS Syndication Insights
    Monitor the performance and usage of NHS Syndication links on your healthcare website, ensuring patients have access to the most relevant, up-to-date information from reliable sources.
  • Patient Feedback Integration
    Incorporate a feedback section on each page of your website, allowing patients to contribute valuable feedback.

PatientInsights is a feature add-on to our Healthcare websites.