1. Knowledge Base
  2. Add On: SurgeryDocs

What is SurgeryDocs?

SurgeryDocs is secure place to store, manage, share and collaborate your internal documents.

Who's it for?

SurgeryDocs is extremely flexible and can be used to share and collaborate documents for practice staff, colleagues of other practices, Primary Care Networks, Federations and CCGs.


  • Upload your internal documents (policies, protocols, minutes etc) and share them with your colleagues.  Specify document revision dates and be notified automatically either by Email or SMS when the document has expired and needs reviewing – extremely useful for policies and protocols which need reviewing annually.
  • Create groups and specify permissions so your colleagues can only access what you’ve given them access to.
  • Create Document Categories, for example; Policies and protocols, Management, Partners Minutes, Admin Information etc and specify which groups have permission to access.
  • Colleagues can collaborate and leave comments on documents.  Admins and subscribers will be notified when a comment is made.
  • Documents are stored encrypted in secure cloud storage.
  • Create Newsflashes
  • View dashboard statistics, filter options and instant search.

SurgeryDocs is a feature add-on to our Healthcare websites.