Manage your safe senders list
Deliverability of emails sent to you or the surgery can be affected by spam filters within your own inbox.
Whilst this is outside our circle of influence, there may be some additional action which you can take to ensure that any email from us is less likely to get caught up in these filters.
Safe senders and recipients
The following information has been taken from the Support guide provided by Microsoft on how to Block or allow (junk email settings) (
Safe senders are people and domains you always want to receive email messages from. Safe recipients are recipients that you don't want to block, usually groups that you’re a member of. Messages received from any email address or domain in your safe senders and recipients list are never sent to your Junk Email folder.
IMPORTANT: may have junk email filtering settings that block messages before they reach your mailbox.
Select Settings
> Mail.
Under Options, select Block or allow.
To add an entry to Safe senders and recipients, enter the domain that you want to mark as safe in the Enter a sender or domain here text box, and then press Enter or select the Add icon
next to the text box.
To mark all email from Tree View Design addresses enter the following,
enter in the text box. This relates to all communications from us.
- enter in the text box. This relates specifically to autogenerated emails from the Control Panel
4. Select Save to save your changes.