The Importance of Regularly Updating Your Website

There are two main reasons why keeping a website up to date is vital Visitor Experience and Search Engine Rankings

There are two main reasons why keeping a website up to date is vital:

Visitor Experience

Imagine landing on a website, only to be met with out of date information or to find that the last time any news was added was a year or more ago. It does not create a positive impression at all, especially where a GP surgery is concerned.

Visitors may be of the opinion that, if a surgery cannot keep its website up to date, how efficient will it be in dealing with patients’ needs?

If you want to create a positive impression for your patients, and are keen to ensure your practice’s reputation is well maintained, regularly updating your website is crucial.

Search Engine Rankings

Good search engine rankings are the Holy Grail for any organisation that runs a website. After all, without them, how will anyone find you when searching online?

Search engines like Google are frequently checking to see what new information has been added to the internet so that they can best fulfil the search requests made by their users. In a nutshell, websites that are regularly updated with fresh content are preferred by the search engines, quite simply because they have something new to offer.

A static website that is never updated is considered by a search engine as a dead entity with nothing new to offer, and will therefore suffer with poor ranking positions, or possibly even none at all.

Top Tip!

Google considers websites that are updated at least two to three times per week as frequently updated. Anything less than that and websites are highly likely to drop their ranking positions.