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WYSIWYG Editor - The Basics

What You See Is What You Get Editor

This is what the WYSIWYG Editor looks likeWYSIWYG Editor

The Tool Bar

WYSIWYG Editor ToolsSimilar to that of any document editor, the tool bar located at the top of the workspace gives you access to the features provided.

Please Note

The layout of the features may appear differently to that shown and in some instances some tools may not be available depending on what is it you are doing.


When creating content you are basically working with a series of blocks. And when you start a new line a new block is created.


The top left corner of the block will show you the formatting that has been applied to this block and all the content within it.

P A Paragraph Format. This is for your basic text and is applied as default
H1, H2, H3.. A Heading Format 
DIV A dividing element which gets applied when adding Media Items or when working with templates

Re-Sizing the Workspace


Found in the bottom right corner, it can dragged around to re-shape the workspace.