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  2. WYSIWYG Content Editor

WYSIWYG Editor - The Tool Bar

Here we explain the tools that are provided within the WYSIWYG Editor.

So you know you know the basics, now here we explain the tools that are provided within the WYSIWYG Editor.

Some of the tools you will already be familiar with within Word Documents and other similar tools.

The Tool Bar

WYSIWYG Editor Tools

Please Note

The layout of the features may appear differently to that shown and in some instances some tools may not be available depending on what is it you are doing.

Source Show HTML (Toggle)
Full Screen Full Screen Workspace (Toggle)
Replace Find and Replace Tool
Select All Select All 
Show Blocks Show Blocks (Toggle)
Cut Copy Paste Cut, Copy Paste
Paste as Plain Text Paste as Plain Text
Paste from Word Paste from Word
Justification Tools Justification Tools
Add Link Add Link
Remove Link Remove Link
Image Image Tools
Table Table Tools
Horizontal Line Horizontal Line


Special Character Special Characters
Spell Checker Spell Checking Tools
Text Colour Tools Text Colour Tools - USE STYLE TOOL INSTEAD
Text Format Tools Bold, Italic, Underline and Strikethrough
Remove Formatting Remove Formatting
Numbering Numbering, Bullet Points
Indentation Tools Indentation Tools
Subscript Subscript
Styles Style Selector
Formatting Format Selector (This will display the name of the format the cursor location/selection)
Media Media Selector
Froms Form Selector