Creating & Managing User Accounts

Adding and amending staff access

There are many reasons for giving staff access to the Control Panel. It may be as simple as accessing the Patient Inbox or allowing staff to amend pages on the website.

Special Category Data under GDPR

As the site is designed to process Special Category Data (health data) under GDPR

  • You can only assign users if they have access to an email
  • Auditing of access Special Category Data has to be done at user level so generic email accounts should not be used nor user accounts shared.

When creating a new user account you have the ability to limit their access to only those sections you wish them to have. Plus you can decide if they have the autonomy to publish changes or whether all their revisions need to be authorized.

Accessing the Add/Remove Staff Accounts Module

Navigate to Administration > Add/Remove Staff Accounts.

You will be presented with the following screen

Manage System Users

Key Features

Publisher What are Publishing Rights
Gcm What is Group Central Management
Access level

Creating and Managing Access Levels

If the Access Level Icon is in read - this user has access to Special Category Data

Creating & Managing User Accounts

After selecting 'Add New User' or 'Edit' you will be resented with the following screen

  1. Complete all sections and save User. 
  2. This will then issue a Temporary Password to the email you entered for the User.

Key Features

Email address This can only be an email
UK Mobile Additional Module if required
Default notification Channel

There are two options

  • Email Notification
  • SMS Message (if the Module is active)
Reset Password

How to reset a password

Access Level

Creating and Managing Access Levels

You will be warned if you are allocating a user an access level that contains access to Special Category Data.

Publisher What are Publishing Rights
Active Account Activate or deactivate an account.